A burgeoning fashion industry has brought a new wave of interest to Italy’s leather goods. From luxury giants like Prada to small companies and artisans, these leather goods makers are building factories around Scandicci, a district of drab industrial buildings in Florence, churning out Made-in-Italy handbags for shoppers from New York to Beijing.
Many of these makers offer a private label service, where they will produce a set number of bags to the brand’s specifications and design. This is a great option for designers who want to build an entire collection of Italian leather bags or for brands who would like to offer a more limited line of handbags. The minimum order quantities vary, but typically are set at 300 pieces per style.
These bag manufacturers and brands can provide a variety of high-quality Italian leather bags, depending on the type of material used and the brand’s budget. These bags can be made from calf leather, exotic skins (like crocodile, python, or ostrich), and other fashionable fabrics. They also have a wide range of styles and colors, so finding a bag to fit your brand’s image should be no problem.
These makers are all available through the ItalianModa B2B marketplace, where international wholesale buyers can find and contact a broad range of reliable Italian fashion manufacturers, brands, and artisans. Click on the images of these Italian-made bags to see more details, including pricing and full product descriptions. italian leather manufacturers private label